Language Imaging Lab Aphasia Battery

(~6 minutes)

Nonword Rhyme Matching

Example trial from the nonword rhyme matching test.

This test assesses the ability to mentally access the sound of a printed nonword prior to articulation (Pillay et al., 2017, 2018). Each trial consists of a sample nonword presented in the center of a computer display with two similar choice items below the sample (see figure). The patient's task is to select the item that rhymes with the sample. Trials are constructed such that orthographic similarity is uncoupled from phonologic similarity by incorporating pseudowords with non-identical rime spellings (VAIR ยป PLARE/SHAR). All pseudowords have unambiguous (highly consistent) pronunciations.



Data analysis:


Pillay SB, Kraegel P, Book DS, & Binder JR. (2017). Lesion localization of a shared phonologic representation deficit on reading, rhyming, repetition, and short-term memory tasks. Society for the Neurobiology of Language, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Pillay SB, Gross WL, Graves WW, Humphries CJ, Book DS, & Binder JR. (2018). The neural basis of successful word reading in aphasia. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, in press.