Squiggles research computer server

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"Squiggles" is a dedicated research computer server tailored for the analysis and storage of MEG, Neurophysiology, and Epilepsy data. This guide outlines how to connect using either the recommended FastX connection or the traditional VNC method.

Access Requirements

RCC Account

  • An RCC (Research Computer Server) account is necessary to access "Squiggles".
  • Register for an account at MCW-Infoscope's Research Computing Center.
  • If prompted, select "others" and then "squiggles" to specify the server you wish to access.
  • Account approval generally takes 1-3 days. For any issues, contact Help-RCC at <help-rcc@mcw.edu>.

Login to Squiggles

Choosing a User Port: Each user is allocated a specific port number. New users should pick a port number (##) not already in use:

User Port
Jeff Stout 5910,5911
Joe Heffernan 5912
Candida Ustine 5914
Manoj Raghavan 5913
Chad Carlson 5915
Chris Anderson 5916
Serena Thompson 5917
Patrick Bauer 5918
Jeff Binder 5919
Leo Fernandino 5920
Lisa Conant 5921
Aqil Izadysadr 5922
Nick Guzowski 5923
Zack Harper 5924
Bill Gross 5925
Michelle Kassel 5926
Greg McQuestion 5927
Monica Keith 5928
Priyanka Shah 5929
Vahab Youssofzadeh 5931
Songhee Kim 5935
Cameron J Stewart 5992
SSH Tunneling
  • PowerShell Method (Mac/Linux/Windows): In a bash shell, terminal, or Windows PowerShell, execute the following to set up an SSH tunnel for the VNC Viewer:

ssh -L 59##:localhost:59## USER@squiggles.rcc.mcw.edu where USER is your rcc user account and ## is the selected port number

  • PuTTY (Windows):

Download PuTTY for SSH tunneling and refer to the images below for configuration:

PuTTY is an open-source software used for SSH Tunneling (or SSH Port Forwarding).

Putty config1.PNG Putty config2 tunnel.PNG

Starting a Session and Connecting to Squiggles

Ensure you've established an SSH tunnel before proceeding with either the VNC or FastX methods.

VNC Method (preferred)

  • Creating & Accessing a VNC Session:
    • VNC sessions initialize automatically upon boot-up.
    • If issues occur, manually initiate a session using: vncserver :## -geometry 1900x1200, where ## is your specific port number.
    • Access the session using the [RealVNC viewer].
    • Input localhost:## in the server address bar, where ## corresponds to the last two digits of your port.


FastX Method (alternative)

FastX offers a potentially smoother experience compared to VNC, especially with multiple concurrent users.

  • Download the FastX client and:
    • Start FastX.
    • Click '+' to establish a new connection.
    • Provide the Connection Name, host (squiggles.rcc.mcw.edu), and your RCC username.
    • Start a session by clicking '+' and using the command /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.

FastX config.png


VNC Black Screen Issue
If you encounter a black screen after logging into VNC, it could be due to the Anaconda Python environment interfering with the session. To resolve this issue, deactivate Anaconda Python using the command:
conda deactivate
Identifying Active Users
To compile a list of users with active VNC sessions, which aids in monitoring current access to the VNC service, execute:
ls -l /tmp/.X11-unix
This information can be used to oversee session activity and ensure that resources are allocated efficiently.
Terminating a VNC Session
For situations where session termination is necessary, you can directly close a VNC session through the terminal or opt for manual termination if the direct method is insufficient. To directly terminate a session, use:
vncserver -kill :xx
Replace :xx with your session number.
For manual termination, proceed to remove the session files with:
rm -f /tmp/.Xxx-lock
rm -f /tmp/.X11-unix/Xxx
Ensure to replace Xxx with the correct session identifier. This allows for the removal of stuck or unresponsive sessions that cannot be closed normally.
Alternative Solution: Identifying Active Sessions
Identifying sessions created by a specific user can be a strategic approach to session management, offering an alternative to manual session termination. This method is particularly useful for identifying and removing only unnecessary or problematic sessions. Use the following command, replacing <username> with the actual username:
ps -ef | grep <username>