Instructions for Medical College of Wisconsin / UW-Madison Perceptual Rating Norms

This page contains the instructions for the Sound, Color, Manipulation, Motion, and Emotion rating studies. Click on the above rating names to jump to the specific instructions.

Word Ratings Study: Sound


Following these instructions is a list of words. For each word, we'd like you to think about whether that word is associated with a sound or not. Using the ratings scheme below, rate each word according to how relevant sound is to its meaning or purpose.

For example, the word "woodpecker" conjures up a bird that repetitively taps its beak into tree trunks to acquire insects. Thus since woodpeckers are associated with a tapping noise, you might rate this word with a 5 or 6 because the word is closely associated with the sound it makes. On the other hand, a word such as "bookcase" would have a much lower sound-associated rating. Bookcases are not really associated with any sound, so you might rate this word with a 0. In some cases, the word's sound association might be ambiguous. For example, the word "sink" is not primarily associated with sound--it is a piece of furniture in the kitchen. However, running water often comes from a sink, and that has some sound associated with it. So, the word sink might get an intermediate rating, perhaps a 2 or 3.

After you read each word, please CLICK a number as follows:

If the word clearly refers to something that has NO sound associated with it, click "0".

If the word clearly refers to something that DOES VERY MUCH have sound associated with it, click "6".

If the word's sound association is intermediate, think about the meaning and associations of the word and click one of the numbers in between. The lower numbers mean the word is less strongly associated with a sound. The higher numbers mean the word is more strongly associated with a sound.

  No Sound     Some Sound     Most Sound

Keep in mind there aren't necessarily right or wrong answers; we just want to know what YOU think. Try to use the entire range of ratings from 0-6.

There are a total of 10 pages of words. You need to fill out all ten pages before you can submit your ratings.

Thanks for your help!

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Word Ratings Study: Color


Following these instructions is a list of words. For each word, we'd like you to think about whether that word is associated with a color or not. Using the ratings scheme below, rate each word according to how relevant color is to its meaning or purpose.

For example, the word "strawberry" conjures up a bright red fruit. Thus, since strawberries have a distinct color association, you might rate this word with a 5 or 6 because the word is closely associated with it's color. On the other hand, a word such as "freedom" would have a much lower color-associated rating. Freedom does not really have any color associated with it, so you might rate this word with a 0. In some cases, the word's color association might be ambiguous. For example, the word "firewood" is not primarily associated with color. However, wood tends to be a brownish or grayish color, so the word firewood has some intermediate color associated with it. So, the word firewood might get an intermediate rating, perhaps a 2 or 3.

After you read each word, please CLICK a number as follows:

If the word clearly refers to something that has NO color associated with it, click "0".

If the word clearly refers to something that DOES VERY MUCH have color associated with it, click "6".

If the word's color association is intermediate, think about the meaning and associations of the word and click one of the numbers in between. The lower numbers mean the word is less strongly associated with a color. The higher numbers mean the word is more strongly associated with a color.

  No Color     Some Color     Most Color

Keep in mind there aren't necessarily right or wrong answers; we just want to know what YOU think. Try to use the entire range of ratings from 0-6.

There are a total of 10 pages of words. You need to fill out all ten pages before you can submit your ratings.

Thanks for your help!

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Word Ratings Study: Manipulation


Following these instructions is a list of words. For each word, we'd like you to think about whether that word is associated with a manipulation or not. In this study, we define manipulation as a physical action done to an object by a person. Note that a manipulation is something that is DONE TO an object, NOT something that the object does by itself. Using the ratings scheme below, rate each word according to how relevant the concept of manipulation is to its meaning or purpose.

For example, the word "cigarette" has an associated manipulation that goes along with using it; people raise and lower the cigarette to their mouth, flick ashes, and so forth. Thus, cigarette might receive a rating of 5 or 6. "Accordion" would be another good example of something highly associated with manipulation. On the other hand, "university" is not something one performs an action on, so it might receive a low rating Furthermore, although associated with motion, a "hurricane" cannot by manipulated in any way, so it, too, should receive a low rating. Some words should get intermediate ratings. For example, "refrigerator" may lie somewhere in the middle of the ratings because people do act upon it a little by opening and closing the door, but this manipulation is minimal and not central to its meaning or purpose.

Please note that we are interested in manipulations (such as turning a screwdriver), and not motions (such as a wild animal running, or a tree swaying).

After you read each word, please CLICK a number as follows:

If the word clearly refers to something that has NO manipulation associated with it, click "0".

If the word clearly refers to something that DOES VERY MUCH have manipulation associated with it, click "6".

If the word's manipulation association is intermediate, think about the meaning and associations of the word and click one of the numbers in between. The lower numbers mean the word is less strongly associated with a manipulation. The higher numbers mean the word is more strongly associated with a manipulation.

  No Manipulation     Some Manipulation     Most Manipulation

Keep in mind there aren't necessarily right or wrong answers; we just want to know what YOU think. Try to use the entire range of ratings from 0-6.

There are a total of 10 pages of words. You need to fill out all ten pages before you can submit your ratings.

Thanks for your help!

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Word Ratings Study: Motion


Following these instructions is a list of words. For each word, we'd like you to think about whether that word is associated with a visual image of motion or not. The associated motion can be caused by the object itself, or can result from something else that moves the object. Using the ratings scheme below, rate each word according to how associated it is with a visual image of motion.

For example, the word "procession" means a group of people who move together in a regular formation. Since procession is highly associated with motion, it should receive a high rating of 5 or 6. "Hurricane" is another example. On the other hand, the words "strawberry" and "photograph" are not associated with motion at all, So they would receive a low rating. There are also some intermediate cases. "Alligator" is an animal that moves, but it spends most of its time at rest. Thus, it may receive an intermediate motion rating of 2 or 3.

After you read each word, please CLICK a number as follows:

If the word clearly refers to something that has NO motion associated with it, click "0".

If the word clearly refers to something that DOES VERY MUCH have motion associated with it, click "6".

If the word's motion association is intermediate, think about the meaning and associations of the word and click one of the numbers in between. The lower numbers mean the word is less strongly associated with a motion. The higher numbers mean the word is more strongly associated with a motion.

  No Motion     Some Motion     Most Motion

Keep in mind there aren't necessarily right or wrong answers; we just want to know what YOU think. Try to use the entire range of ratings from 0-6.

There are a total of 10 pages of words. You need to fill out all ten pages before you can submit your ratings.

Thanks for your help!

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Word Ratings Study: Emotion


Following these instructions is a list of words. For each word, we'd like you to think about whether that word is associated with a positive or negative emotion. Using the ratings scheme below (-6 to +6), rate each word according to how relevant emotion is to its meaning or purpose.

For example, the word "asbestos" is a material that is known to cause cancer. The word is closely associated with negative connotations and thus may receive a negative rating of -4 or -5. On the other hand, "princess" conjures up happy fairytale associations. In this case, princess might receive a rating of +5 or +6. There are many words that fall in between these two extremes and thus receive intermediate ratings. For example, the word "screwdriver" is not associated with anything positive, but it is not associated with anything negative either. In this case, "screwdriver" would receive a rating of 0 indicating that it is neutral in terms of its emotional associations.

After you read each word, please CLICK a number as follows:

If the word clearly refers to something that has a VERY STRONG NEGATIVE emotion associated with it, click "-6".

If the word clearly refers to something that has a VERY STRONG POSITIVE emotion associated with it, click "+6".

If the word has NO emotion associated with it, click "0".

If the word's emotional association is intermediate, think about the meaning and associations of the word and click one of the numbers in between. Numbers less than 0 have a negative emotion associated with them. Numbers greater than 0 have a positive emotion associated with them. The further from 0 in either direction, the stronger the emotion is.

  Strong Negative     Some Negative     No Emotion     Some Positive     Most Positive

Keep in mind there aren't necessarily right or wrong answers; we just want to know what YOU think. Try to use the entire range of ratings from -6 to +6.

There are a total of 10 pages of words. You need to fill out all ten pages before you can submit your ratings.

Thanks for your help!

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