Research Engineer II
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Background and Interests:
I am a Computer Engineer and Neuroscientist. In neuroscience research, one of the biggest challenges is the amount of computing resources that are needed to run certain experiments and analyze some neuroimaging data. As an engineer, my focus is to find better ways to manage these resources so that results can be replicable, reliable and available on time.
During my undergraduate, I took a class in graph theory. In this class, we learned about brain networks and I not only became fascinated with the complexity of the brain but I learned how computer engineers can make a big impact in the medical field by aiding researchers analyze the large amounts of complex data that are increasingly available. I love analyzing all kinds of data, but I have special interest on Diffusion Tensor Imaging because it is very challenging to process and there’s still a lot of progress to be done on the way DTI is acquired and analyzed, and I like challenges and working with data from which I can learn every day something new. I am also very interested in the use of graph theory for the analysis of functional networks and I enjoy creating tutorials on how to use different neuroimaging software and programming languages to efficiently process neuroimaging data.
Ph.D. Neuroscience, University of Barcelona (Spain), 2014
M.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Barcelona (Spain), 2011
B.S. Computer Engineering, University of Almeria (Spain), 2009
Git Hub
Contact Information:
Medical College of Wisconsin
Department of Neurology
8701 Watertown Plank Road
Milwaukee, WI 53226